5 Días de Lujo en el Elite Nile Cruise de Luxor a Asuán

Golavita Travel

5 Días

Golavita Travel
Tipo de tour


5 Días de Lujo en el Elite Nile Cruise de Luxor a Asuán
Duración del viaje

Todos los días

Golavita Travel


Detalles del tour.

Experimenta el Elite Nile Cruise de Luxor a Asuán a bordo de este inolvidable viaje de 5 días donde el lujo y la historia se fusionan en el corazón de Egipto. Desde el momento en que subas a bordo, estarás rodeado de decoraciones interiores refinadas, instalaciones de clase mundial y un servicio excepcional diseñado para crear experiencias memorables.

Tu viaje en el crucero Luxor Asuán comienza con visitas a las maravillas de Luxor: los Templos de Karnak y Luxor. Sus colosales estructuras e intrincados jeroglíficos son simplemente asombrosos. Navegarás por el Nilo, haciendo paradas en el impresionante Valle de los Reyes y en el asombroso Templo de la Reina Hatshepsut en Deir El Bahari. Estos sitios antiguos evocan fragmentos del legendario pasado de Egipto.

Cada día de las vacaciones en el Elite Nile Cruise combina las alegrías de la relajación con las de la exploración. Disfruta de una gastronomía exquisita, con los mejores chefs preparando delicias internacionales y tradicionales egipcias. Tómate el sol en la terraza con impresionantes vistas sobre el Nilo, refréscate en la piscina o rejuvenece en el spa.

puntos destacados

    • Templo de Karnak
    • Templo de Luxor
    •  Templo de Edfu
    •  Templo de Kom Ombo
    • Templo de Filé
    • Obelisco Inacabado
    •  Alta Presa de Asuán


    • Alojamiento en lujosas cabinas con ventanas de vidrio panorámico.
    • Aire acondicionado individualmente controlado en cada cabina.
    • Baño privado con ducha.
    • Televisión a color y teléfono en cada cabina.
    • Sistema de música en la cabina y minibar.
    • Caja de seguridad en cada cabina.
    • Acceso al restaurante de una sola sesión que ofrece cocina internacional.
    • Salón y discoteca para entretenimiento nocturno.
    • Salón bar panorámico con vistas impresionantes.


    • Gastos personales, como el uso adicional del minibar.
    • Cualquier excursión o actividad opcional no mencionada en el itinerario.
    • Llamadas telefónicas personales desde la cabina.
    • Propinas y gratificaciones

Itinerario del tour

  • 1 Luxor’s Majestic Treasures

    Your 5-day Elite Nile Cruise adventure will begin with embarkation before lunch in Luxor. A delicious lunch will precede getting you settled into your plush cabin, after which it's time to join an incredible journey through ancient history. Explore the magnificent Temples of Karnak and Luxor, where massive columns, colorful symbols, and large temples all combine to relate the impressive history of ancient Egypt.

    Afternoon: See the West Bank, starting with the Valley of the Kings. It is here that one finds the tombs of the pharaohs, tending to illustrate how strong their rule was. Then there is the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut at Deir El Bahari—considered by many to be an architectural masterpiece in tribute to one of the most powerful queens of Egypt. Then, there will be a stop before the two gigantic statues known as the Colossi of Memnon that have stood for millennia, guarding the Theban necropolis.

    Back to the cruise for dinner and to spend your first night in this fascinating city of Luxor, preparing you for so much more in the next few days.

  • 2 Scenic Sailing to Edfu

    Head out to an appetizing breakfast on board the Elite Nile Cruise, then sail towards Edfu via the Esna Lock. The downstream route is very tranquil, with the green landscapes lining both sides of the Nile and the tranquil water providing a relaxing experience along the way.
    As the day goes by, you can have a good time on the boat: sunbathing on the sun deck, refreshing with a swim, or rejuvenating with spa treatments. This relaxing sailing trip sets out a real chance for you to lay back and relax as you take in the surroundings.
    Enjoy a fine dinner on board, with the best cuisine offered by these cruise ship chefs. Combine a comfortable night aboard, moored in this charming town of Edfu, with waking refreshed the following morning and ready to start a day full of exploration among ancient wonders.

  • 3 Ancient Temples and Scenic Sailing

    Enjoy your sumptuous breakfast on board the Elite Nile Cruise. Disembark to visit Edfu's magnificent Horus Temple. This is one of the best-preserved temples in Egypt and is dedicated to the god with the falcon head, Horus. You definitely will be impressed by such grandiose architecture and detailed carvings.

    After the Horus Temple, you again board the cruise and continue sailing towards Kom Ombo Temple. You will visit the quite different Temple of Sobek here, dedicated to two gods, that is, the crocodile god called Sobek and Horus, the god with the head of a falcon.

  • 4 Discovering Aswan's Historic Gems

    Enjoy a delicious breakfast on board the Elite Nile Cruise. This day in Aswan starts firstly with visiting the High Dam, one of the most marvelous projects of modern engineering that finally tamed the might of the Nile. After that, proceed to the ancient Granite Quarries, the site of the Unfinished Obelisk, and explore the techniques of the ancients in stone carving.

    Start at the beautiful Temple of Philae, dedicated to the goddess Isis. This lovely temple complex relocated to Agilkia Island testifies to the rich cultural heritage and architectural prowess brought to Egypt, which was moved here to save it from flooding.

    Take the felucca ride in the afternoon for the fine scenery that prevails at Kitchener Island and Botanical Garden, along with the dignified Agha Khan Mausoleum perched above the Nile, which looks graciously. Return to the cruise for a gourmet dinner, then go quietly in the night to Aswan and ponder over the history and nature sceneries that were watched today.

  • 5 Farewell to the Elite Nile Cruise

    Enjoy your last onboard breakfast with Elite Nile Cruise, beholding one last time the serenity of Aswan. Following breakfast, you shall disembark, marking the end of a luxurious 5-day voyage along the Nile. As you go ashore, unforgettable moments of ancient wonders and breathtaking landscapes, as well as the unrivaled comfort and hospitality of Elite Nile Cruise, all remain in your memory.

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  • ¿Hay entretenimiento a bordo de los cruceros por el Nilo en Luxor y Asuán?

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  • ¿Cuál es el mejor momento para realizar los cruceros por el Nilo en Luxor y Asuán?

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