9 días en El Cairo, Oasis de Siwa y crucero por el Nilo

El Cairo, Oasis de Siwa, Asuán, Louxor
Golavita Travel

9 días

Golavita Travel
Tipo de tour


9 días en El Cairo, Oasis de Siwa y crucero por el Nilo
Duración del viaje

Todos los días

Golavita Travel


Detalles del tour.

Este es un tour privado de 9 días y 8 noches en clase superior, que forma parte de nuestra colección titulada "Tours en Egipto". Ofrece este tour clásico de Egipto, prometiéndote una visión de los destinos más icónicos, con un rico patrimonio y paisajes impresionantes que existen en Egipto. Serás recogido sin problemas desde el aeropuerto de El Cairo, y esto dará inicio a tu experiencia. Pasea por las bulliciosas calles para descubrir las maravillas antiguas de El Cairo.

Haz una parada en la serena Oasis de Siwa, un verdadero joya del desierto. Disfruta de la clásica Asuán, con sus colosales templos y vistas sublimes sobre el río Nilo. Detente en Kom Ombo y Edfu, donde los imponentes templos hacen una impresión digna de una postal. Finalmente, sumérgete en el esplendor de Luxor con la Valle de los Reyes y el Templo de Karnak. Mientras te preparas para visitar la antigua Tierra del Nilo, no olvides empacar algunos elementos para tu comodidad y seguridad. Necesitarás protección contra el sol abrasador del desierto para tus ojos y piel en forma de gafas de sol y crema solar. El sombrero o bufanda no solo protegerá tu cara y cuello, sino que también te ayudará a mantenerte fresco. Usa zapatos y ropa cómodos; asegúrate de que puedan tolerar tus movimientos en lugares históricos antiguos y grandes mercados. Si vas a viajar durante los meses de invierno, no olvides incluir ropa más pesada para las noches frescas.

Esta aventura concluirá de nuevo en El Cairo, donde serás transferido al aeropuerto para tu partida. Es un tour privado y forma parte de nuestros paquetes de viaje a Egipto, por lo que el confort y la accesibilidad en silla de ruedas son solo algunas de las formas en que nos esforzamos por hacer que tu experiencia sea verdaderamente extraordinaria en Egipto

puntos destacados

    • Complejo de las pirámides de Saqqara
    • Pirámides de Giza
    • Gran Museo Egipcio
    • Oasis de Siwa


    • Recepción y asistencia en el aeropuerto de El Cairo
    • Transferencia redonda en vehículo con aire acondicionado
    • Guía turístico egiptólogo experto
    • 4 noches de alojamiento en un hotel de 5 estrellas en El Cairo
    • 1 noche de camping en régimen de pensión completa en el Oasis de Siwa
    • 1 noche en el ecolodge Ghaliet en el Oasis de Siwa
    • 3 noches de alojamiento a bordo de un crucero por el Nilo en régimen de pensión completa
    • Tarifas de entrada a todos los lugares en el itinerario
    • Billetes de avión de El Cairo a Asuán
    • Billetes de avión de Luxor a El Cairo
    • Todos los cargos por servicio e impuestos


    • Tarifas de entrada para la pirámide de Keops y la pirámide de Menkaura
    • Propinas
    • Bebidas durante los almuerzos
    • Cualquier excursión opcional en Hurghada


    Cosas que llevar contigo

    • Gafas de sol / Crema solar
    • Sombrero / Bufanda
    • Zapatos y ropa cómodos
    • Ropa abrigada para el invierno

Itinerario del tour

  • 1 Arrival Cairo

    Welcome to the land of Pharaohs, once you arrive at Cairo International Airport, our representative will be waiting for you in front of the arrival hall with your name on a sign.
    Then he will join you in a private vehicle to your hotel to have a smooth check-in and enjoy your Egypt classic tour.

    No meals.

  • 2 Cairo, Giza and Saqqara Pyramids

    After breakfast at a hotel, start your action-filled Cairo city tour with a visit to the ancient wonder of Saqqara Step Pyramids, still reigning as man's oldest design for pyramids. Lunch will follow, then spend the afternoon at two of Earth's most iconic sites: the Pyramids in Giza and the Great Sphinx. Return to the hotel for an overnight stay at leisure.

     Meals: Breakfast and Lunch.


  • 3 Siwa Sightseeing

    Drive at 05:00 to Siwa Oasis via Marsa Matruh, with a panoramic view of the area. Upon arrival in Siwa, lunch will be served. After that, take some time to enjoy the sunset at Fatnas Lake View, a very serene area. Dinner will be served in one of the local Siwa restaurants to try the local food. Overnights at Ghaliet Ecolodge. You will spend the night in an incredible Siwan Oasis camp, and enjoy Siwan hospitality. 

    meals: Breakfast and Lunch.

  • 4 Siwa Oasis

    Begin the day with a nice breakfast at your hotel, followed by some interesting attractions around Siwa. Note the first one, the Temple of the Oracle, which speaks volumes about history, then proceed to see the salty lake and Cleopatra's Bath near it. After lunch at Abdo Restaurant, the best in town, take a desert 4x4 jeep safari in the afternoon into the Great Sand Sea for sandboarding. Visit the hot and cold spring, Bir Waheed. Sample some traditional Bedouin tea as you enjoy the sunset view. Finally, enjoy a memorable overnight stay at a desert camp with a BBQ dinner under the stars. 

    Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

  • 5 Siwa, Cairo, and Aswan Nile Cruise

    Start your day by having breakfast at the camp, then drive back to Siwa Oasis. Upon your visit to the Siwa Oasis, you will stop to see the medieval Shali Fortress and the Mountain of the Dead, an interesting burial site. Then, drive back to Cairo with lunch on the way at Magdy Restaurant in Marsa Matrouh, which is famous for its seafood. You will then be transferred to Cairo airport to take a flight to Aswan. Upon arrival check in to your Nile Cruise for a relaxed and indulgent experience. 

    Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner.

  • 6 Aswan Kom Ombo

    Breakfast will be served to you as you sail. After breakfast, you go out to sightseeing in Aswan. Your first place of visit will be the Aswan High Dam, a beautiful 20th-century structure that has been able to quash the irrigation needs of the country and served the country well with power. Then, you will continue by visiting the Temple of Isis, also called Philae Temple, magnificently situated on an island in the Nile. Following lunch, you will take in the river and sail down it on a leisurely cruise on a local felucca to experience peaceful and scenic views of the river. In the morning, you will sail on to Kom Ombo, where you will visit the Kom Ombo Temple. This unusually designed and -dedicated temple is dedicated to two gods: Sobek, the crocodile god, and Horus, the falcon-headed god. The architecture is symmetric and the reliefs on the walls are preserved remarkably. Then you are off to Edfu where we will moor overnight. 

    Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

  • 7 Edfu Luxor

    Start the day with a delicious breakfast on board, then disembark to visit the beautiful Temple of Edfu. Take a pleasant horse-drawn carriage ride through the streets of Edfu City to this rather well-preserved site dedicated to Horus, the Falcon God. After visiting this magnificent temple, return to the cruise to spend a leisurely breakfast.

    Start sailing towards Luxor; spend the whole day cruising along the Nile while going through the Esna Lock, yet another feat of engineering. A scenic cruise with views of the banks of the Nile River and the countryside is considered one of the main classic tours. On arrival at Luxor, visit the Luxor Temple by Night. These illuminated columns and statues of the temple cast a magic atmosphere in the surroundings and prove an ideal end to your day. Return onto the cruise and spend a relaxed evening aboard with dinner. 

    Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner.

  • 8 Luxor tour then fly to Cairo

    Your day starts with breakfast on board your Nile Cruise, where after disembarking, you are to visit the most striking sites in the city of Luxor. Your first stop is the breathtaking Karnak Temple, already noted for visiting to be one of the major sites in the area because of the space it occupies and its incredible Hypostyle Hall. Have your lunch today in a very local restaurant before heading to the iconic Memnon Colossi, colossal statues that once guarded the entrance to the Temple of Amenhotep III.
    Then, get dazzled by the monumental Hatshepsut Temple, before continuing on to the Valley of the Kings, where you explore the tombs of Egypt's leaders. After that day of history and wonder, drive to Luxor Airport and fly back to Cairo.
    On arrival at Cairo Airport, transfer to your Cairo hotel for check-in and stay overnight. 

    Meals: Breakfast and Lunch.

  • 9 Final Departure

    Enjoy a final breakfast at your hotel before transferring to Cairo Airport for your departure. Bid farewell to Egypt, taking along the great memories of an unforgettable journey through its ancient wonders. 

    Meals: Breakfast.

También te puede gustar

Tours relacionados que te pueden gustar

  • ¿Cuál es el mejor momento para realizar tours clásicos en Egipto?

    La mejor época para disfrutar de nuestros tours clásicos por Egipto es durante la primavera (marzo a mayo) y otoño (septiembre a noviembre), durante esta época podrás disfrutar del increíble clima de Egipto que hará que tus tours clásicos sean más cómodos.

  • ¿Se pueden personalizar los tours clásicos de Egipto?

    Todos nuestros paquetes de viaje a Egipto se pueden personalizar y con nuestros paquetes turísticos clásicos a Egipto puede seleccionar entre nuestros paquetes prediseñados o personaliza el tuyo propio según tus preferencias y presupuesto.

  • ¿Cuánto cuestan los tours clásicos de Egipto?

    El costo de nuestros paquetes de viajes clásicos a Egipto comienza en $300, y también puedes disfrutar de diferentes precios con nuestros paquetes clásicos como Tour de 10 días por El Cairo, Luxor y Asuán para explorar las principales atracciones de cada ciudad.

  • ¿Cuáles son las mejores atracciones para explorar durante los tours clásicos de Egipto?

    Reserva con Golavita Travel Egypt tours clásicos y disfruta de las mejores atracciones de Egipto, en tus viajes clásicos a Egipto podrás visitar atracciones de El Cairo como las pirámides de Giza y el Museo Egipcio, y también visitará los sitios más populares como el Valle de los Reyes, el Templo de Karnak, el Templo de Abu Simbel y el Templo de Philae.

  • ¿Cómo hago un itinerario de viajes clásicos a Egipto?

    Puedes crear tu propio itinerario de tours clásicos en Egipto con nuestro Egypt Tailor-Made para disfrutar de tu estancia en Egipto. Si te quedas en Egipto durante 10 días podrás visitar 3 o 4 ciudades de Egipto como El Cairo, Luxor, Asuán y Hurghada por ejemplo.

  • ¿Debería contratar un guía turístico en Egypt Classic Tours?

    Será más fácil para ti tener un guía turístico en tus tours clásicos de Egipto, un guía turístico privado puede ayudarte a saltarte las largas colas y aprovechar al máximo tu tiempo en cada sitio y conocerás más información sobre el sitio. que visitas.

  • Does the tour package include traveling insurance?

    Travel insurance is not part of any of our holiday packages. We seriously counsel that you buy travel insurance independently to address unforeseen contingencies.


  • How can I book a classic Egypt tour with Golavita Travel?

    You may book Golavita’s classic Egypt tour by visiting one of our branches or calling customers’ service or online through their website. Our team will assist you with booking questions as well as queries on anything.


  • What safety guidelines are involved during Egypt trips?

    Regarding our tourists’ safety issues remain priority to us at Golavita Travel where we ensure that all our guides have adequate training while keeping in mind vehicle routine maintenance as well as local health and safety regulations. In addition to this we also update on any travel advisories issued by the government.


  • What is the most popular place in Egypt Can I visit in Classic tour?

    The Giza Pyramids and the Great Sphinx are among the best tourist destinations in Cairo, offering a unique and unforgettable experience for visitors of all ages. Exploring the pyramids and capturing their beauty through photographs is a must-do activity for anyone visiting Cairo, making it the perfect holiday destination.

  • What are some traditional Egyptian dishes I should try?

    Egyptian cuisine is a delightful blend of flavors with a rich historical background and influences from various cultures. Some must-try dishes include koshari, shawarma, falafel, molokhiya, fava beans, hawawshi (Egyptian meat pie), and mahshi. These dishes offer a taste of the local food scene and are best enjoyed in many restaurants across Egypt.

  • When is the best time of year to take a classic tour in Egypt?

    The best time to visit Egypt is from October to April when it is cooler. It is more comfortable for sightseeing, especially in the desert and southern parts of the country.


  • Can solo travelers join classic tours?

    Yes, our classic tours are suitable for solo tourists. We ensure a safe and enjoyable experience and many solo tourists attest to their satisfaction due to opportunities to interact with fellow visitors.


  • What precautions should i take during travels within Egypt?

    Egypt is generally safe for tourists, but always maintain situational awareness and follow local advice. When using taxi services, only employ registered ones and avoid travelling alone through remote areas after dark while keeping all valuables close by. Since the climate there is hot one should always remain hydrated and use sunscreen too.


  • Do the tour packages include meals?

    A variety of our classic trips will have some meals with them typically being breakfast and some lunches or dinners. A detailed menu for each trip is provided.


  • What should I know about money and payment in Egypt?

    The local currency is the Egyptian pound (EGP). Although most hotels and larger restaurants accept credit cards, it is recommended to carry cash when visiting smaller establishments and markets. There are ATMs around major cities.


  • What precautions should someone take during travels within Egypt?

    Egypt is generally safe for tourists, but always maintain situational awareness and follow local advice. When using taxi services, only employ registered ones and avoid travelling alone through remote areas after dark while keeping all valuables close by. Since the climate there is hot one should always remain hydrated and use sunscreen too.


  • What is the best time of year to take a classic tour in Egypt?

    The best time to visit Egypt is during the cooler months from October to April. The weather is more comfortable for sightseeing, especially in the desert and southern regions.

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