10 Días en El Cairo, Asuán, Luxor y Hurghada

El Cairo, Asuán, Luxor y Hurghada
Golavita Travel

10 días

Golavita Travel
Tipo de tour


10 Días en El Cairo, Asuán, Luxor y Hurghada
Duración del viaje

Todos los días

Golavita Travel


Detalles del tour.

Este tour privado clásico de 10 días es un fascinante viaje que comienza en El Cairo, continúa hacia Asuán y Abu Simbel, pasa por Luxor y termina en Hurghada con Golavita travel. Este será un recorrido por algunos de los lugares más famosos de Egipto, un auténtico tour clásico de Egipto con la diferencia de un servicio accesible para sillas de ruedas y el servicio adicional de recogida y entrega diaria en el aeropuerto de El Cairo. Se le proporcionará una experiencia cómoda y personalizada desde el principio hasta el final, incluida en su paquete de viaje por Egipto. Mientras empaca sus cosas para la visita, asegúrese de no olvidar algunos elementos vitales de su viaje: gafas de sol, protector solar, sombrero o pañuelo, zapatos cómodos y ropa. En invierno, también se deben agregar ropa más abrigada a su tour clásico para mayor comodidad.

puntos destacados

    • Pirámides de Giza con Espectáculo de Sonido y Luz
    • Complejo de las Pirámides de Giza y la Gran Esfinge
    • Museo Nacional de Civilización
    • Gran Museo Egipcio
    • Ciudadela de Saladino
    • Mezquita de Alabastro
    • Calle El Moez
    • Khan El Khalili
    • Espectáculo de Sonido y Luz de Abu Simbel
    • Templos de Abu Simbel
    • Pirámide Escalonada de Saqqara
    • Pirámide Torcida
    • Pirámide Roja


    • Recepción y asistencia en el aeropuerto de El Cairo
    • Traslados con vehículo con aire acondicionado
    • Guía egiptólogo experto
    • 3 noches de alojamiento en un hotel de 5 estrellas en El Cairo
    • 1 noche en un hotel en Abu Simbel con desayuno
    • 2 noches en un hotel en Asuán con desayuno
    • 1 noche en un hotel en Luxor con desayuno
    • 2 noches de alojamiento en un hotel de 5 estrellas en Hurghada con todo incluido
    • Entradas a todos los lugares incluidos en el itinerario
    • Vuelos de El Cairo a Asuán
    • Vuelos de Luxor a El Cairo
    • Todos los cargos por servicios e impuestos


    • Entrada a la Pirámide de Keops y la Pirámide de Menkaura
    • Entradas a las tumbas adicionales en el Valle de los Reyes
    • Propinas para el crucero por el Nilo, el guía y el conductor
    • Bebidas durante los almuerzos
    • Cualquier tour opcional


    • Gafas de sol / Protector solar
    • Sombrero / Bufanda
    • Zapatos y ropa cómodos
    • Ropa abrigada para el invierno

Itinerario del tour

  • 1 Arrival Cairo

    Welcome to Egypt! Your Egypt classic tour begins when you are greeted by our representative at Cairo airport who will assist you through immigration and customs formalities. After you have collected your luggage, we will then take you in our deluxe vehicle, to start your half day Cairo attractions where you will visit
    National Museum of Civilization

    Later on, you will go to the hotel to check in and overnight stay.

    Meals: Lunch.

  • 2 Cairo, Giza Pyramids complex ,The Great Sphinx, Valley temple

    Start with a good breakfast at the hotel, then begin your visit to the Giza Pyramids Complex, Great Sphinx, and Valley Temple. After lunch, go to the Grand Egyptian Museum. Return and retire for the night at the hotel, after a properly spent day. 

    Meals: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner

  • 3 Cairo to Aswan and Abu Simbel

    Early departure to Caro airport to fly to Aswan. Check into your hotel and have a relaxed lunch. Then, in the evening, there is the Abu Simbel Sound and Light Show, whereby ancient temples are lit up by vivid projections and stories that are very captivating. Have dinner and spend the night at the hotel after the show. 

    Meals: breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

  • 4 Abu Simbel Aswan

    Enjoy your breakfast at the hotel then start your tour to the great temple of Abu Simbel. This great edifice is considered one of the most beautiful works of architecture that ancient Egyptians ever built. Continue to the Nefertari Temple, also known as Hathor Temple, which was dedicated to Ramses II's beloved queen. Following this visit to historical sites, take time to sample a typical lunch at a Nubian restaurant. The day culminates with a return drive to Aswan for checking into your hotel.

    Meals: breakfast, lunch, and dinner

  • 5 Aswan Attractions

    Start your day with a good breakfast at the hotel, followed by a visit to some important sites in Aswan. A visit to the Dam of Aswan will be your first launch pad in this direction, where after a comprehensive view of the area, you will board the ferry to visit the splendid Temple of Philae. Constructed in dedication to the goddess Isis, the temple has a captivating appeal. After soaking up all that history and getting some photos, you will have lunch at the Old Nubian House Restaurant. In the afternoon, take a tranquil felucca cruise that offers a serene view of natural beauty around Kitchener Island in Aswan. Retire back to your hotel in Aswan for dinner and spend the night there. 

    Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner.

  • 6 Aswan, Kom Ombo Edfu. Luxor

    Enjoy your breakfast at the hotel then start Aswan attractions on the way to Luxor. Begin at the unusual Kom Ombo Temple, built in honor of both Sobek and Haroeris, then visit one of the best-preserved temples in the whole of Egypt, the Temple of Edfu dedicated to the falcon god Haroris. 

    Lunch will be provided and then finally drive to Luxor. Upon arrival, check in to the hotel for dinner and a good night's rest. 

    Meals: breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

  • 7 Luxor and Hurghada

    Start with a sunrise hot air balloon ride over some of the great views of this city's ancient monuments. Following that, have your breakfast at the hotel before embarking on a full day of sightseeing in the city of Luxor. This will include the secretive Valley of the Kings, the architectural genius of the Temple of Hatshepsut, and the immense giganticness of the Colossus of Memnon. Lunch, then proceed to the beautiful Karnak Temple, one of the largest temple complexes in Egypt. 

    Afterwards, transfer to Hurghada for dinner, followed by check-in at your hotel, then round up the night with a good rest.

     Meals: breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

  • 8 Hurghada Attractions

    Have breakfast at the hotel, followed by the remainder of the day at your leisure. One can spend a casual day relaxing either by the hotel's beach or swimming pool. It will be a free day

    Meals: Breakfast, Lunch

  • 9 Hurghada To Cairo

    After breakfast at the hotel, some time will be spent at leisure. Afterward, you will be transferred to Hurghada airport to fly back to Cairo. Upon arrival at Cairo airport, you will be transferred to your hotel in Cairo for check-in and overnight. Meals: breakfast and lunch.

  • 10 Final departure

    After the final hotel breakfast, check out and transfer to Cairo airport for departure. The day meals, however, shall be taken care of, with breakfast being the only one provided by the hotel.

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  • ¿Cuál es el mejor momento para realizar tours clásicos en Egipto?

    La mejor época para disfrutar de nuestros tours clásicos por Egipto es durante la primavera (marzo a mayo) y otoño (septiembre a noviembre), durante esta época podrás disfrutar del increíble clima de Egipto que hará que tus tours clásicos sean más cómodos.

  • ¿Se pueden personalizar los tours clásicos de Egipto?

    Todos nuestros paquetes de viaje a Egipto se pueden personalizar y con nuestros paquetes turísticos clásicos a Egipto puede seleccionar entre nuestros paquetes prediseñados o personaliza el tuyo propio según tus preferencias y presupuesto.

  • ¿Cuánto cuestan los tours clásicos de Egipto?

    El costo de nuestros paquetes de viajes clásicos a Egipto comienza en $300, y también puedes disfrutar de diferentes precios con nuestros paquetes clásicos como Tour de 10 días por El Cairo, Luxor y Asuán para explorar las principales atracciones de cada ciudad.

  • ¿Cuáles son las mejores atracciones para explorar durante los tours clásicos de Egipto?

    Reserva con Golavita Travel Egypt tours clásicos y disfruta de las mejores atracciones de Egipto, en tus viajes clásicos a Egipto podrás visitar atracciones de El Cairo como las pirámides de Giza y el Museo Egipcio, y también visitará los sitios más populares como el Valle de los Reyes, el Templo de Karnak, el Templo de Abu Simbel y el Templo de Philae.

  • ¿Cómo hago un itinerario de viajes clásicos a Egipto?

    Puedes crear tu propio itinerario de tours clásicos en Egipto con nuestro Egypt Tailor-Made para disfrutar de tu estancia en Egipto. Si te quedas en Egipto durante 10 días podrás visitar 3 o 4 ciudades de Egipto como El Cairo, Luxor, Asuán y Hurghada por ejemplo.

  • ¿Debería contratar un guía turístico en Egypt Classic Tours?

    Será más fácil para ti tener un guía turístico en tus tours clásicos de Egipto, un guía turístico privado puede ayudarte a saltarte las largas colas y aprovechar al máximo tu tiempo en cada sitio y conocerás más información sobre el sitio. que visitas.

  • Does the tour package include traveling insurance?

    Travel insurance is not part of any of our holiday packages. We seriously counsel that you buy travel insurance independently to address unforeseen contingencies.


  • How can I book a classic Egypt tour with Golavita Travel?

    You may book Golavita’s classic Egypt tour by visiting one of our branches or calling customers’ service or online through their website. Our team will assist you with booking questions as well as queries on anything.


  • What safety guidelines are involved during Egypt trips?

    Regarding our tourists’ safety issues remain priority to us at Golavita Travel where we ensure that all our guides have adequate training while keeping in mind vehicle routine maintenance as well as local health and safety regulations. In addition to this we also update on any travel advisories issued by the government.


  • What is the most popular place in Egypt Can I visit in Classic tour?

    The Giza Pyramids and the Great Sphinx are among the best tourist destinations in Cairo, offering a unique and unforgettable experience for visitors of all ages. Exploring the pyramids and capturing their beauty through photographs is a must-do activity for anyone visiting Cairo, making it the perfect holiday destination.

  • What are some traditional Egyptian dishes I should try?

    Egyptian cuisine is a delightful blend of flavors with a rich historical background and influences from various cultures. Some must-try dishes include koshari, shawarma, falafel, molokhiya, fava beans, hawawshi (Egyptian meat pie), and mahshi. These dishes offer a taste of the local food scene and are best enjoyed in many restaurants across Egypt.

  • When is the best time of year to take a classic tour in Egypt?

    The best time to visit Egypt is from October to April when it is cooler. It is more comfortable for sightseeing, especially in the desert and southern parts of the country.


  • Can solo travelers join classic tours?

    Yes, our classic tours are suitable for solo tourists. We ensure a safe and enjoyable experience and many solo tourists attest to their satisfaction due to opportunities to interact with fellow visitors.


  • What precautions should i take during travels within Egypt?

    Egypt is generally safe for tourists, but always maintain situational awareness and follow local advice. When using taxi services, only employ registered ones and avoid travelling alone through remote areas after dark while keeping all valuables close by. Since the climate there is hot one should always remain hydrated and use sunscreen too.


  • Do the tour packages include meals?

    A variety of our classic trips will have some meals with them typically being breakfast and some lunches or dinners. A detailed menu for each trip is provided.


  • What should I know about money and payment in Egypt?

    The local currency is the Egyptian pound (EGP). Although most hotels and larger restaurants accept credit cards, it is recommended to carry cash when visiting smaller establishments and markets. There are ATMs around major cities.


  • What precautions should someone take during travels within Egypt?

    Egypt is generally safe for tourists, but always maintain situational awareness and follow local advice. When using taxi services, only employ registered ones and avoid travelling alone through remote areas after dark while keeping all valuables close by. Since the climate there is hot one should always remain hydrated and use sunscreen too.


  • What is the best time of year to take a classic tour in Egypt?

    The best time to visit Egypt is during the cooler months from October to April. The weather is more comfortable for sightseeing, especially in the desert and southern regions.

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